Tuesday, September 02, 2008

To Sleep or Read... that is the question

This is the question that I am sure raced through Noah's head last night... several times. I noticed him climbing out of his crib in the morning and decided to once again convert his crib to a toddler bed. (I say once again because in June we did it. After 2 weeks of fighting him for naps and bedtimes and running in an out of the room... I put it back up.)

Anyhoo. Yesterday he had his big boy bed again. He was delighted, of course. When it came to naptime, he laid in bed so quietly -- for 5 minutes. After that he had lots of fun throwing clothes out of his dresser -- ALL of them, playing with toys and reading every book he owns.

So it was off to a rough start, and he didn't have a nap so he and I were both cranky. Bedtime comes and I am secretly contemplating doping him with some Dramamine. I don't. Instead I arm him with ONE story that he can read in bed with the lights out.

He was quiet as a mouse. I thought he was asleep, but didn't dare check. At about 9:30 I peek in and here is Noah, lying face down on his bed with his legs sticking straight out into open air and his head flush with the side of the bed. Next to him is a stack of books (12 in all) piled up next to him. It was so cute, I would have taken a picture but didn't want to wake him with the flash. Maybe I'll catch him at it again.

Needless to say, he is down for a nap with his ONE book, we shall see how many meander over to nap with him.


Jonah said...

I think that is a harder transition than even potty training! Now we just tell every one to get in bed and threaten to beat them if they get out!! You can do that when they get older. ;)

Good to talk to you tonight.

Lawther family said...

If you figure it out let me know. Three kids later, I still dread bedtime! :)