Friday, December 26, 2008

Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

Dan and Noah left this morning on a little visit to Grandma and Grandpa Ellison's house. We left the house at 5am so they could board the train to Portland. Although Noah was very tired, he was way to excited to be on a train to think about closing his eyes.

Once they got to Portland, they got to trudge through the thick powdery snow to the city tracks that led to the airport. Noah was a trooper, even though he kept falling down in the snow. (Wish I would have put his boots on rather than his sneakers.)

They made it to the airport w/ time to spare so Noah and Daddy did some exploring before boarding the plane. Noah enjoyed the plane, but probably not as much as the train.

Hopefully they'll have a nice visit and a successful trip back home. We may or may not be posting pictures of the trip as Dan left the camera on the table.


Lawther family said...

Hope you have a good new years... what will you be doing with out your boys home?
me... I hope I'm in the hospital having a baby!!! :)

Jonah said...

I'll send you some pictures that I took. We sure had fun with Noah...and Dan. Wish you would have been there though!


Ah, man! Camera on the table. Classic. I'm so anal about the stupid thing when we go someplace - I think I usually triple check and Sean just groans at me!
Anyway, I hope their trip is a success!